![Ziggurat-POSTMORTEM-pc-cover-box-art-www.descargasesc.net_thumb[1] Ziggurat-POSTMORTEM-pc-cover-box-art-www.descargasesc.net_thumb[1]](http://lh3.ggpht.com/-Dl_HdscgCIU/VFPYlNIj6cI/AAAAAAAAPws/gE7VRy7PfMo/Ziggurat-POSTMORTEM-pc-cover-box-art-www.descargasesc.net_thumb%25255B1%25255D_thumb.jpg?imgmax=800)
4 Links | 635MB | NFO
5 Links | 874MB | NFO
Notes: The main game and all other 24 DLCs and Expansions are included in this release. Game version is:
DOWNLOAD »34 Links | 6.70GB | NFO
We present you the version which has G4WL removed
languages ......: EN/FR/DE/IT/ES/PL/RU/JP/CN-S
41 Links | 8 GB | NFO
The game is updated to latest version - v1.06 and because of high compression used it fits into a single DVD9 dics.
languages ......: EN/FR/DE/IT/ES
5 Links | 850MB | NFO
This release is standalone and contains all previously released DLC
Crusader Kings II: Dynasty CoA Pack 1
Crusader Kings II: Mongol Graphics Pack
Crusader Kings II: Songs of Albion
Crusader Kings II: Songs of Faith
Crusader Kings II: Ruler Designer
Crusader Kings II: Songs of the Holy Land
Crusader Kings II: Sword of Islam
Crusader Kings II: African Unit Pack
Crusader Kings II: Songs of the Caliph
Crusader Kings II: Dynasty Shields II
Crusader Kings II: Legacy of Rome
Crusader Kings II: Byzantine Unit Pack
Crusader Kings II: African Portraits
Crusader Kings II: Mediterranean Portraits
Crusader Kings II: Russian Unit Pack
Crusader Kings II: Russian Portraits
Crusader Kings II: Songs of Byzantium
Crusader Kings II: Sunset Invasion
Crusader Kings II: Songs of the Rus
Crusader Kings II: Norse Portraits
Crusader Kings II: Norse Unit Pack
Crusader Kings II: The Republic
Crusader Kings II: Songs of Prosperity
Crusader Kings II: The Old Gods
Crusader Kings II: Hymns to the Old Gods
Crusader Kings II: Celtic Unit Pack
Crusader Kings II: Celtic Portraits
Crusader Kings II: Dynasty Shield III
Crusader Kings II: Europa Universalis IV Converter
Crusader Kings II Customization Pack DLC
Crusader Kings II: Sons of Abraham
Crusader Kings II: Military Orders Unit Pack
Crusader Kings II: Warriors of Faith Unit Pack
Crusader Kings II: Hymns of Abraham
Crusader Kings II: Songs of Yuletide
Crusader Kings II: Saxon Unit Pack
Crusader Kings II: Finno-Ugric Unit Pack
Crusader Kings II: Rajas of India
Crusader Kings II: Turkish Unit Pack
Crusader Kings II: Turkish Portraits
Crusader Kings II: Songs of India
Crusader Kings II: Persian Unit Pack
Crusader Kings II: Persian Portraits
Crusader Kings II: Charlemagne
Crusader Kings II: Early Western Clothing Pack
Crusader Kings II: Early Eastern Clothing Pack
Crusader Kings II: Dynasty Shields Charlemagne
Crusader Kings II: The Song of Roland Ebook
45 Links | 8.66GB | NFO
Every campaign from Kingdoms addon must be launched from shortcut with correct command line (installer creates them). Game is updated to latest version, v1.52.
This Complete Edition includes:
* Company of Heroes (main game)
* Company of Heroes: Opposing Fronts
* Company of Heroes: Tales of Valor
* Soundtrack
* Manual
The game is updated to latest version - v2.700.2.42
Links | 12.13GB | NFO
126 Links | 24.5GB | NFO
• Ryse Son of Rome Update 1 Hotfix-CODEX
• Ryse Son of Rome Update 2 Hotfix-CODEX
• Ryse Son of Rome Gladiator Solo Mode Crackfix-CODEX –Added
37 Links | 7.19GB | NFO
This release includes:
* Divinity: Original Sin (main game)
* Source Hunter DLC pack
* The Bear and The Burglar DLC
* Design Documents
* Art Pack
* Soundtrack
Game is updated to latest version - v1.0.177.
38 Links | 7.40GB | NFO
If you have played this game before and it doesn't launch with the language selected during the installation, go to options menu and select your language there. Game is updated to latest version v1.1.3
• Middle Earth Shadow of Mordor HD Texture Pack Addon-CODEX
• Middle Earth Shadow of Mordor Update Build v1426 21-CODEX –Added
178 Links | 34.6GB | NFO